Domestic Violence Thought
Domestic Violence will last as long as it can, and as long as it is allowed to last!!!

Stop Domestic Violence
Domestic violence, also called domestic abuse, includes physical, emotional, financial, and/or sexual abuse in couple relationships, carers, or between family members.
Domestic violence and abuse can happen to men and women.
The impact of family, domestic, and sexual violence can be serious and long lasting, affecting an individual’s health, wellbeing, education, relationships, and housing outcomes.
Domestic violence, as well as spouse/intimate partner abuse, can start with a word. That’s right, one word, or maybe a sentence. A put-down or perhaps a threat, or even a suggestive comment that could be interpreted in numerous ways, but your gut instinct tells you that something is just not right.
The verbal abuse can escalate to emotional abuse, which eventually can turn to physical violence.
Abuse by a partner is the most common form but by no means the only one. Abuse by family members or former partners, including stalking, make up a large number of cases.
How does domestic violence end?
Either the victim separates him/herself from the abuser/abusive environment, the abuser is rehabilitated and changes or the victim dies.
If you feel that you need support, MOVE FORWARD & GET HELP today!
Call 000 for Police and Ambulance help if you are in immediate danger!